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El chef, la receta de la felicidad
22.04.2013, 22:13

El joven Jacky Bonnot sueña con triunfar en un gran restaurante. Pero su
precaria situación económica le obliga a aceptar trabajos como cocinero
que ni siquiera consigue conservar. Un día se cruza en su camino
Alexandre Vauclair, un célebre chef, cuya acomodada posición se ve
amenazada por el grupo financiero propietario de sus restaurantes.

Categoría: peliculas online | Agregado por: romalaguna07
Vistas: 940 | Descargas: 0 | Comentarios: 1 | Valoración: 0.0/0
Total de comentarios: 1
1 Bato • 15:09, 02.05.2014
I have to agree with the article. I think it's bomece popular for entertainment to belittle men whenever possible. Little girls are being trained to "get back" at men for some reason and the attack of men's sexual organs is their preferred method. Meanwhile, little boys are trained to be submissive and taught that speaking out against this sexual assault is not politically correct and will result in them being ridiculed. If it's OK for a woman to demand respect from men, why can't a man demand the same respect from women? I don't watch a lot of TV and very few movies, but I see men struck in the groin for entertainment several times a day. I have never seen a woman struck in the groin for any reason, though it has the same effect on women. Maybe it's time for men to feel that we deserve a little respect and dignity too.